Acts of vandalism at schools can be pre-empted by opening their doors to the public, President of the Limassol School Board, Dinos Ellinas proposed on Wednesday.
Speaking on CyBC, Ellinas made the case that if schools were to bring in the community on a regular basis after hours and on holidays, the presence of people would deter would-be delinquents and vandals.
In the wake of the arson to two Nicosia schools over the Easter holidays authorities have convened a meeting with the Ministry of Education on the matter. Damages from the incidents, including to a music room and instruments, are estimated at €30,000.
The society-wide rise in antisocial behaviour has impacted schools for a while, Ellinas told CyBC and certain schools, known to be located in troubled areas, have had to have guards stationed at them during Christmas, Easter and summer holidays.
No schools are free of the phenomenon, Ellinas said, including private schools, and minor destruction or defacement of school buildings happens year-round.
Limassol is piloting the ‘open door’ approach in several schools by hosting after hour events, such as sporting activities, Ellinas said, and he is optimistic about the results of this indirect approach.
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