Cyprus ranks first in Europe as regards the cleanest swimming waters, according to the results of the European Commission’s latest report that were announced on Friday.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, the 2022 report notes that Cyprus is by 99.2% compliant with the strictest specifications of the Bathing Water Directive and has fulfilled all the obligations.

More specifically, 119 of the 120 swimming sites in Cyprus are described to be of excellent quality, with only one site not yet classified due to a limited number of samples, the Ministry says.

This ranks Cyprus first in Europe with the cleanest swimming waters. In second place is Austria with 96.9%, followed by Greece with 96.6% and Croatia with 95.6%.

According to the Ministry, the annual assessment of European bathing areas shows how well environmental protection measures are implemented, allowing citizens to make informed decisions about where to go to enjoy swimming in Europe.

This success, the Ministry notes, is an honor for Cyprus, and is the result of the exemplary cooperation of the Department of the Environment, which has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Directive, with the Health Services, Public Health Services and the State General Laboratory, as well as the Local Authorities.