A total of 29 electric vehicles will be bought for government officials and their use, as part of a new tender by the state, Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades said on Friday.
“This [the green transition] is a priority for the country,” he said, adding that the government moved to buy the electric vehicles in a hope of lighting the way for other such actions that further the green transition.
Speaking to CyBC, Vafeades said that there would be 29 electric vehicles bought, along with another six hybrid vehicles.
Commenting on the president’s vehicle, Vafeades said that the nature of the president’s vehicle could not be disclosed due to security reasons.
Vafeades added that there would also be a need for charging points to be created at the ministries, as this plan comes into effect. He said that a plan has already been drawn up to provide this facility.
“At my ministry, we already have a charging point installed that is used on a needs basis,” he said.
Commenting on the tender, he said that it would replace an older tender for all hybrid vehicles.
Asked why some hybrid vehicles will continue to be part of the new plan, he said it is for ministers and officials that travel outside of Nicosia daily.
The new plan, he added, will have a goal to procure vehicles that will not exceed €50,000 each.
Back in March, the incoming administration of Nikos Christodoulides put on pause a request for the release of around €3 million earmarked for the purchase of state vehicles, including 35 limos for officials.
That request had been made to parliament by the previous government of Nicos Anastasiades, on February 24 this year.
Media outlets at the time suggested that the new president did not want one of the first acts of his government associated with the replacement of limos for state officials.
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