The nationalist Elam party late on Thursday hit back at what they called a manufactured political outcry over an alleged walkout from parliament during a minute’s silence held by MPs for the victims of a shipwreck off the Greek coast.

Earlier in the day, Akel released a statement slamming Elam’s MPs for walking out of the main parliament room while a minute’s silence was being held for the victims of the shipwreck.

Hundreds of migrants are missing, feared dead, after their boat capsized and sank about 80km from the southern coastal town of Pylos, Greece.

Akel said the conduct of the Elam MPs “confirms that the far right and inhumanity are synonymous.”

It added: “This revolting and immoral act brings shame to the parliament and the entire country. Those who do not hesitate to scoff at the deaths of so many people, including of children, are alien to our people, our values and morals.”

On social media meanwhile, Elam took flak with posts such as “Fascists in suits.”

Hitting back later, Elam explained that their MPs did not walk out during the minute’s silence.

It said the party’s MPs happened to be outside the main room at the time.

“The death of any person, and of children no less, cannot but cause shock and untold sorrow,” Elam said in a statement.

“The Elam deputies happened to be outside the room, on other business, during the minute’s silence, but not deliberately. This has occurred several times in the past, when MPs from all parties happen to be absent, but it was never turned into a major political matter.”

The statement added: “The political exploitation of such a tragic incident [the shipwreck] is unprecedented. The aim is so that society will feel guilty for a crime committed by traffickers and the various NGOs covering for them.”