Education Minister Athena Michaelidou on Friday held a press conference marking the start of the “German Language Weeks 2023.”

Present at the conference were also the ambassadors of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the director of the Goethe Institute in Cyprus, Gabriele Gauler.

This year’s event will take place from November 1 to 16 and will encompass a series of activities and events related to the German language and the culture of German-speaking countries.

In her speech, Michaelidou underlined the importance of the German language in Cyprus and in the rest of the world.

“The activities offered throughout the event aim to bring audiences closer to the German language and the culture of the German-speaking countries, as well as to highlight the benefits of multilingualism and intercultural dialogue,” she said.

“Multilingualism constitutes a basic pillar of our educational policy. Aligned with EU priorities, we promote language competences, which are at the heart of building the European Education Area.

“These competences are indispensable for mobility, cooperation and mutual understanding across borders,” Michaelidou said.

She then praised the pilot programme for learning the German language in public schools, which began in the current school year in selected Gymnasiums and Lyceums in Nicosia and Limassol.

“Through this pilot programme, students will have the opportunity to learn the German language at a high level under the guidance of the Goethe Institute Cyprus, with certification of language proficiency provided,” the education minister said.

“German is one of the major languages of the world. We, therefore, support the ‘Weeks of the German Language’ by promoting the German language in our schools and further strengthening our bilateral relations with German-speaking countries, such as Austria, Germany and Switzerland,” Michaelidou concluded.