An action plan will be drawn up within the next month to implement lasting solutions to the long-standing problems caused by livestock facilities, most notably complaints of foul smells.

That was Agriculture Minister Petros Xenophontos’ key message after the cabinet discussed the issue on Wednesday.

The minister explained that a technical committee gave cabinet a report on the problems emanating from livestock facilities.

Amongst the recommendations is relocating some facilities further away from residential areas, with €500,000 allocated for in the 2024 state budget to fund such measures.

The committee, Xenophontos said, conducted 346 visits and inspections across livestock facilities where officials also heard feedback and passed on suggestions.

Other possible solutions include the construction of central waste processing stations, as the minister warned that biosafety issues may arise if the sector is not properly monitored.

Kato Moni and Polemidia were identified as areas particularly impacted by the sector.