First Lady Philippa Karsera Christodoulides on Saturday sought to send a message of hope for equal opportunities to all, during a Radiomarathon event held at the presidential palace.

Fundraising for the NGO begins this week “and we hope to fill many piggy banks” as this money will go towards support, equipment and people who need more treatments, Christodoulides said.

“Unfortunately, the state cannot cover these costs right now.”

Radiomarathon was established in the 90’s aimed to raise awareness for people with disabilities, seeking to end prejudice against them.

The aim is “for all of us to live with equal opportunities and respect to differences, in an inclusive society.”

Addressing those who attended the event, she said the presidential palace is a place where the president works but is also a home that belongs to all Cypriots.

“And with every good opportunity, like that of today, the doors will open for you to come, have a beautiful time, and eventually you’ll have more things to do her,” she underlined. The First Lady was referring to more plans surrounding the presidential palace that appear to suggest more available activities.

Earlier this week, the Cyprus Confederation of Disability Organisations (Kysoa) issued a damning statement over Radiomarathon, saying the way it was carried out was condescending towards people with disabilities.

It accused the NGO that it “commodifies disability and promotes pity but also exposes Cypriot society internationally as not being a modern democratic state.”

Kysoa added the state tries to play off the efforts as something to support children with health problems, but instead collects money for people with disabilities, “considering them as people of low perception and intelligence”.