MPs on Tuesday called on the agriculture ministry to step in over wrongly-marketed zivania products, which are not made from grapes but from other fruit.
The matter was tabled before the House agriculture committee by Diko MP Christos Orphanides and Disy MP Charalampos Pazaros, who called on the government to clamp down on the phenomenon.
Both deputies underlined that zivania is a product of geographical indication, and as such is supposed to adhere to specific conditions on how it is produced and marketed.
Zivania should only be produced from grapes following a set procedure, validated by permits from the agriculture ministry, commerce ministry, sanitation services and customs officers.
Nonetheless, products on the market are labeled as zivania, as made from apples, pomegranate or other fruit, rather than grapes, the MPs said.
The final product must have a trademark certificate, provide information about the producer and bottler, as well as the alcohol content.
According to Pazaros, it is a matter of concern for public health that many products on the market do not have all the necessary permits.
The MPs highlighted that producers who follow the correct procedures are monitored by the state, however the ‘fake’ zivania producers run a great risk to public health as there is no oversight.
They urged that those items and producers should be reported and the agriculture ministry steps in to clamp down on the matter.
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