Turkish Cypriot conscientious objector Mustafa Hurben was jailed on Tuesday after refusing to pay an 800TL (€24) fine for refusing to complete his military service.

Hurben was taken away by police in front of the north’s ‘parliament’ building after staging a protest with his supporters there.

Turkish Cypriot ‘MPs’, including opposition party CTP Leader Tufan Erhurman and members Dogus Derya and Erkut Sahali appeared in front of the building in support.

Hurben had appeared in court last week and was handed an 800TL fine and five days in which to pay it.

However, speaking to the Cyprus Mail after the court’s ruling, Hurben confirmed that he would also refuse to pay the fine.

I do not see what I did as a crime, so I do not accept that I have to pay,” he said, adding that he “cannot dodge jail” as a last resort.

He will remain behind bars until Friday.