Registration of companies interested in being certified as providers for the installation of photovoltaics (PVs) and energy saving system started on Tuesday, the management committee for state subsidies announced.

Two lists will be drawn up, one for participating PV sellers and one for thermal insulation suppliers. Each trader can register in one or both lists.

To register in the directories, interested businesses should fill out the online participant trader pre-registration form stating their contact details as well as any partners who will be given access to the system. They must also mail the completed and signed participating merchant declaration and merchant participation agreement, as provided for in the sponsorship scheme.

Each company should submit a separate participating merchant declaration and participation agreement as each is considered a separate legal entity.

Furthermore, it is noted that the submission of the above does not imply automatic registration in the directories. Businesses will be notified of enrolment once it is confirmed that requirements have been met.

Provided the necessary conditions are met, the commission will register the trader in the list of participating providers within one month at the latest.