Writing is a difficult task. Even though it is a common aspect of our daily life, especially when it presents itself as a mandatory school task.
We’re familiar with the fundamental guidelines for composing an essay, starting with the thesis statement and concluding with a remarkable, unforgettable ending.
But is it really that straightforward?
Certainly, it isn’t. Individuals continue to fear sharing their work with others due to their lack of confidence in being able to recognize all aspects of the essay that require revision.
This is why we are going to assist you with some tips to edit your article in your own way. If you still have any question at the end of the article, you can ask the same in the comment section.
1: Not Working on the thesis statement
According to Ivory Research writing service, The introduction and the entire essay must include a thesis statement.
People often make the error of not incorporating this point into the introduction, which is the most engaging section of the essay. A thesis statement articulates your opinion or perspective on a topic, along with the reasoning behind it.
An unclear thesis statement does not clarify your perspective. Let me give you an example.
“Student studying in a high school must do a 6-month community service.”
This is quite unclear as it does not really explain why a high school student must do community service for six months. The proper way to phrase the thesis statement is as follows:
“High school students should be obligated to participate in community service before graduating as it aids in developing their ability to make a positive impact on society.”
2: Writing in an incohesive manner
A different frequent error is writing that lacks cohesion. Cohesive essays are simple and pleasant to read. If an essay lacks a clear narrative or connection between ideas, it can be distracting when it jumps around. The reader may question what is important and what they should focus on, diverting attention from the essay’s content and purpose.
There are two main ways in which writing can lack coherence. The initial issue arises when a writer fails to employ efficient transitions. These demonstrate the correlation between various thoughts to the reader and lacking them might lead to a chaotic and confusing essay. Transitions can range from just one or two sentences to an entire paragraph in length.
Inconsistent writing can also occur when the writer lacks coherence. Your essay must uphold consistent tense, point of view, and writing style throughout.
Avoid switching between highly complex vocabulary and very basic language within the same paragraph. If you write in your authentic style and voice, you’ll always be on the right track.
To assess the coherence of your writing, review your initial or subsequent draft and respond to the inquiry:
What is the primary concept being conveyed in this paragraph?
Is it in accordance with the main focus of the essay?
What is the connection to the preceding paragraph?
Should I depict the connection now or in a later section of the essay?
In what perspective is this written? What is the status of tenses?
3: Repeating your introduction
Individuals frequently echo the introduction at the conclusion of their essays. The final paragraph of your essay should not restate the introduction using different wording. This section of the essay is not just a place for repetition, it is crucial and should be given proper attention.
How can you avoid it?
The conclusion of a well-written essay should include a compelling statement about the essay’s findings or conclusions, leaving the reader with fresh thoughts.
Pose queries, delve into further consequences, or conclude your writing with a pertinent, captivating statement.
Avoid beginning your conclusion with the phrase ‘In conclusion’. When individuals reach the final paragraph, they will understand that it signifies the end of the essay.
4: Offering too much information
While you were instructed to produce thorough and significant essays, this doesn’t imply that you shouldn’t selectively present the information. Your goal is to introduce the subject to the reader by providing enough, yet focused details.
How Can You Avoid It?
Adhere to the essay’s prompt. Ensure to review the final draft before submitting the writing if it is complex.
Ensure to incorporate the essential details required for your essay.
Omit any unnecessary details and facts.
5: Writing something too hard-to-read
Many people confuse the core skill of essay writing with constructing a complicated framework. Instructors requesting students to write a topic that follows style guidelines do not expect the essay to be difficult to read. It means that the students must communicate the message clearly.
How Can You Avoid It?
Please rephrase the text while maintaining the same meaning and word count.
Adhere to the primary concept of the essay.
Ensure the essay contains clear and concise constructions.
Utilize basic sentences to convey the information you wish to communicate.
6: Not supporting your claims with proper evidence
Every time you state something in your essay, you must back it up with appropriate evidence and analysis. Several writers frequently err by making assertions that are unsupported by research.
To prevent this from happening, create a rather concise structure that links each assertion with supporting proof from your references.
You must try to avoid making assumptions that cannot be adequately supported.
Furthermore, make sure to select the most reliable evidence from your investigation, instead of just relying on the initial search results from Google or an academic database.
7: Not proofreading properly
One common error academic writers often commit is not allocating sufficient time to thoroughly proofread their papers. Allocate some time for proofreading your work before submitting it.
Be cautious of errors in spelling and grammar and take note of sections in your writing that may be confusing or complex. Strive for a tone that suits the audience and purpose of your essay.
Professors and writers observe these recurring mistakes made by students every year. Ensure you keep these factors in mind while writing your next essay to avoid them.
Writing error-free may not be achievable.
Nevertheless, with practice and effort, you can reduce mistakes.
Writing without errors is important not only for getting good grades but also for improving your writing abilities. Understanding the guidelines for writing is crucial, including knowing what to write, how to write, and what to avoid writing.
Next time you write, be mindful of the mistakes you make. Make a note of them to prevent repeating the same errors later on.
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