CyBC’s delayed budget submission was deemed “proverbial callousness” by opposition Akel on Thursday, who proposed a law to stop delays in budget submissions from semi-governmental organisations.

“It will put an end to the unacceptable and provocative delay in the submission of the budgets,” said interior committee president Aristos Damianou.

“This attitude is also a sign of lack of respect for the parliament,” he added.

On Wednesday, CyBC employees announced a strike after a delay in their salary payments.

The payment delay is ostensibly due to late submission of the national broadcaster’s budget to parliament, but in actuality is due to the freezing of CyBC’s bank accounts in a case of workers’ compensation, a source from within the CyBC told the Cyprus Mail.

The strikes are to be held every day starting on Friday from 1.30pm-2.30pm and 8pm-9pm until employees are paid.