On June 6 around 2:40pm, the New Moon graced the sky in the sign of Gemini. This celestial event holds profound significance for all of us.

June is barely a few days old, yet it already promises a host of cosmic events. We are moving towards the summer solstice on June 20, the longest day and the shortest night of the year. The energy will continue to build in the coming weeks. June, in the northern hemisphere, is the month of light and summer. A time for celebration, blossoming and enjoyment. We are entering an intense but magical period.

However, our bodies need some time to process and integrate this energy. Our hearts, blood vessels, brains, nervous systems, digestion, skin and lower chakras might feel pressured during this time. This could lead to headaches, concentration difficulties, palpitations, high pulse, sleep disturbances, fatigue, extreme sensitivity to light and noise, or digestive issues. Old fears and complaints may resurface. Hormones and cycles might also become unbalanced, leading to stronger and more irregular periods. We are moving towards a new rhythm and balance, both collectively and individually.

A shift towards heart-centered living

Due to increased solar activity, our bodies, thoughts and actions are changing – we are now acting more from the heart. I call these discomforts ‘ascension symptoms.’ These symptoms are temporary, lasting a few days and then disappearing on their own. You might wake up feeling off and feel better by evening or the next day. However, if you have serious complaints or are unsure of their origin, always consult your doctor.

The magic of June

June is also bustling with cosmic activity. Venus and Jupiter changed signs at the end of May, followed by Uranus on June 1. On June 3 a rare alignment of six planets – Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Mars, and Neptune – occurred, with Mercury also changing signs. And on June 4 there was a conjunction between the Sun, Venus and the North Node.

The New Moon and the summer solstice

But there’s more. On June 6, there was a New Moon in Gemini, to be followed by the summer solstice on June 20, and Neptune going retrograde on June 29. All these planetary changes, conjunctions and the accumulation of light towards the solstice create a completely different energy with much renewal and very high frequencies. It’s as if everything can flow through. The Sun will further boost the frequency in the coming period. You may notice everything gaining momentum, and you suddenly gain new insights. What is suppressed comes to the surface more strongly, and if something is complete and has fulfilled its purpose, it can suddenly disappear.

Shaping your future

The alignment of six planets can be seen as a bridge from the old to the new, a powerful moment of change. The conjunction, linked to the fate of Earth and its inhabitants, marks a new cycle and sets the course for the future. The good news is that you can co-create this future. Connect with this magical energy, use the superpower of your thoughts, and create your most beautiful life and a loving world – for yourself, for everyone, for every animal, and for Mother Earth. Don’t let messages of fear and division paralyze you, but radiate your light and love in everything you do.

Reconnecting with friendships

The New Moon is perfect for connecting with others, giving more attention to your relationships and friendships, and opening up to love. Do you want to improve difficult family bonds or friendships? Are you in love? Do you want to reveal your love to someone? Do you want to rekindle your relationship? Or find a partner? Set out on your journey in the coming weeks – the Sun, Venus, and Moon will help you!