The family of a British Cypriot teen is looking for a stem cell donor on the island in the hope of finding a match.

It would mean the absolute world for my sister to find a donor,” Sofia Adamou said.

Her sister, 19-year-old Natassa was recently diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and needs urgent intensive treatment and a stem cell transplant, with her family calling on everyone to sign up to register as a donor.

“We are on a mission to get Natassa a match so she can have her lifesaving treatment. You would be giving me and my family the best gift imaginable and we are eternally grateful to everyone who signs up,” Sofia said.

Sofia launched a campaign with stem cell charity Anthony Nolan and DKMS, two NGO that connect patients with blood cancer and blood disorders with stem cell donors.

Everything started when Natassa had a seizure last Christmas. After multiple tests and a bone marrow biopsy, she was initially diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia in April. “Our family’s world was turned upside down,” Sofia said.

Natassa’s family is now calling on the Greek Cypriot community to show its support as matching tissue types are often found within similar ethnicities.

“If you are lucky enough to come up as a match for Natassa or one of the many people waiting for that lifesaving donor, that’s when you alone will have the opportunity to give someone else a second chance of life,” Sofia said.

She explained that more registered donors leads to a higher possibility for finding a lifesaving match for every transplant patient.

“Natassa is an absolute inspiration – she continues to have a positive attitude and mentality – refusing to be defined by her diagnosis. She is a beautiful creative person who still has so many things to fulfil in her life,” she said.

To register as a blood donor sign up here or here.