Archbishop Georgios, in his Christmas message, emphasised the need to reframe the Cyprus problem as a problem of invasion and occupation, adding that “under this perspective, we should pursue a solution.”
Addressing the Cyprus issue, the archbishop noted that “despite our demonstrated goodwill and concessions, the occupying power remains steadfast in its unholy objectives of occupying and Turkifying the entire island.”
“Beyond our Christian obligation to defend our freedom and dignity by striving for liberation from occupation and the freedom of our homeland, we also owe this to our national heritage,” he added.
He expressed concern that “we have not fully realised the gravity of the threat we face, which is why we are not addressing the situation appropriately.” He lamented that “our side has trapped itself in pursuing a solution based on the premise that the Greek Cypriots have no right to live in a modern state under conditions of freedom and respect for human rights.”
Addressing the governments and politicians of Greece and Cyprus, he urged them to “confront the situation responsibly, mindful of our history and ancestors and plan for the future.” He stressed that this planning must have a long-term perspective, leaving no room for Turkey’s objectives to prevail over Cyprus.
“Our goal must be the liberation of our homeland,” he stated.
Georgios called for unity in redefining the problem as one of invasion and occupation, and pursuing a resolution under this framework.
“As citizens of the European Union, we have the right to demand what other Europeans enjoy: freedom of movement, settlement and property ownership throughout our homeland,” he asserted.
“Let us be guided by our responsibility to history. And let us trust that God will bless and strengthen our efforts,” he concluded.
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