Jean Christou

Jean Christou

Jean Christou is a former Cyprus Mail Editor-in-Chief, having joined in 1990. Now retired, she writes as a hobby with a particular interest in the Cyprob. Likes philosophy, learning what makes people tick, and sci-fi.


image Martin Abbas Hellicar dies aged 56 (Updated)
image Paphos fire possibly started at illegal landfill
image Plane occupancy, tourism arrivals rising
image British bases issue turtle SOS
image Fun and games for kids at the prisons
image UN agencies ramp up pressure over buffer zone migrants
image Heavy outdoor work banned from 12 to 4pm
image Complaints to financial ombudsman on the up
image €1.5 million fines issued since GDPR introduced
image Safety checks to be stepped up at building sites
image Call for clarity over misleading special offers
image Row over Vasiliko terminal deepens
image Lottides urges recognition of homophobic incidents as crimes