An agreement has been reached in principle for the sale of newspaper Politis to a businessman by the name of Chris Panayiotou, it announced on Tuesday.
It added that the ...
The department of motor vehicles (DMV) has been pegged as the authority responsible for informing the public about cars carrying dangerous Tataka airbags, but the how-and-what of the situation is ...
The government is investing tens of millions of euros to manage Cyprus’ traffic problem, although, according to Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades, the issue is not easy to solve.
Vafeades, speaking ...
After months of wrangling, three Osiou Avakoum monks were defrocked by the Holy Synod on Wednesday, a decision the clerics decried as unfair and said they would sue.
Archimandrites at ...
Without transparency and proper financial analysis, the Great Sea Interconnector risks turning into a bane for Cypriot consumers, the House commerce committee chairman said on Wednesday.
Disy MP Kyriacos Hadjiyiannis, ...
EU funding to support the north of Cyprus has reached a total of €688 million since 2006, a report issued on Thursday shows, while green line trade is steadily increasing.
The European ...
United States agencies will be sending a team to Cyprus to help investigate the raft of findings in the ‘Cyprus Confidential’ report claiming to show Russian influence on the island ...
Cypriot MEPs said on Thursday the country had been dragged through the mud during a European Parliament plenary session which discussed the latest revelations by the Cyprus Confidential reports, linking ...
Authorities on Wednesday appeared to be playing a game of hot potato over who was responsible for the apparent delay in investigating reports over PwC’s alleged role in potentially ...