After all the excitement of the Christmas and New Year celebrations, January can be sort of a let down! Not a lot to look forward to unless you are a ...
Cyprus is renowned for ‘wall to wall’ sunshine for a great deal of the year and some rain during the winter. This year has been quite an exception with very ...
We have lived here for 24 years and I think this has been the hottest and longest summer during that time. Although many of the trees in our garden were selected ...
Our island is in need of a lot more green. The Ministry of Agriculture is encouraging tree planting, as are charity organisations and others. A lot of this is done ...
I wonder if you have heard of ‘Borrowing the landscape’! It’s a Japanese idea practised for centuries there and called ‘Shakkei’, where features such as far off mountains and ...
There has been a rising appreciation for spending time outside and people are wanting to get as much use out of their gardens as possible. There are many different ways ...