No investment has been made in the north’s ports “in 100 years”, the north’s ‘transport minister’ Erhan Arikli said on Monday.
Speaking to television channel Kanal T, he said ...
The privatisation of the Kyrenia port is “in the final stage”, the north’s ‘transport minister’ Erhan Arikli said on Wednesday.
Speaking to Kibris TV, he said the ‘government’ has “...
A whopping 26,840 kilograms were stolen from the Kyrenia port, according to the Turkish Cypriot police.
They say a ship with the sesame seeds on board arrived at the port on ...
In separate televised interviews, the north’s ‘tourism minister’ Fikri Ataoglu and Kyrenia mayor Murat Senkul both said restoration and renovation work at the Kyrenia harbour will be completed within ...
The opening for Kerynia port in the north will take place in the end of June, as opposed to early May as was initially planned, it was reported on Wednesday.
Efforts to upgrade the ancient port of Kyrenia are underway in the north, it was reported on Wednesday.
According to an announcement by the ‘deputy prime minister’ and tourism ‘minister’, ...