A record €21,000 fine has been imposed for the killing of wild birds using poison baits, BirdLife Cyprus said on Monday.
The fine represents a big step forward that will hopefully ...
A high number of poisoned bait traps were uncovered and removed by the game fund as it announced on Monday that by doing so it prevented the deaths of many ...
Bird experts from the Spanish region of Andalusia will be in Cyprus this week to hold a seminar explaining how to identify poisoned baits, BirdLife Cyprus said on Monday.
The ...
Two sniffer dogs trained to find poison are already proving their worth
Sofie and Dixie, two border collies specially trained to detect poison baits as part of an EU-funded programme ...
Using poison to control rat populations has a huge impact up the food chain. Providing nest boxes to help a natural rat-catcher is an ecological solution
Two social media posts – ...