With the aim to take actions to reduce the biodiversity loss and to raise public awareness about the Wildlife Vehicle Collision (WVC) phenomenon, the Open University of Cyprus (OUC) coordinated with success the two-year research project EnVeROS: Environmental Education through Roadkill Observation Systems. Project partners were the research centres Accademia Europea Di Bolzano – EURAC (Italy) and Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu V.V.I. – CDV (Czech Republic), and Cyprus conservation foundation Terra Cypria.

The project covered five areas:

  1. A framework analysis/needs assessment report based on an in-depth research on causes and implications of WVC, potential to design and offer educational programmes and related content, as well as an overview of the opinions of citizens and experts about WVCs.
  2. Utilisation of the research results to produce an e-learning course and educational material on various aspects of the WVC phenomenon. These materials are available on the project’s website in five languages, Greek, English, German, Czech and Italian, and are organised in thematic areas to be used by school teachers and by trainers in non-formal education.
  3. Educational activities for primary and secondary education, given that there is a lack of related activities and materials on how to introduce WVC-related subjects horizontally into school teaching activities. As the project was funded by the Erasmus+ programme, which promotes lifelong learning and non-formal education, educational activities were created for these target groups as well.
  4. A mobile application and an interactive map were produced aiming to provide an interactive, multifunctional cyberspace where all target groups, stakeholders and interested users will be able to access all components of the project, and to encourage citizens and experts to collect and share locations of WVCs. The app and the interactive map are available in the project’s five languages.
  5. A WVC comprehensive replicability e-package, which contains informational and educational materials, guidelines and instructions in order for everyone to be able to replicate EnVeROS educational approach in their own country. This e-package can also be used to design and offer seminars and vocational programmes, e.g. teacher training, citizens training, training of relevant public bodies.

The project’s final multiplier event was organised through the e-learning platform of the Open University of Cyprus, which hosted an online conference on December 8 and 9, 2020. In the context of the conference, which was attended by 68 people, experts and individuals from European and third countries, representatives of the research institutions which implemented EnVeROS presented the project’s outcomes. Moreover, 14 experts in the areas of ecology and citizens science introduced the audience to other successful projects. The dissemination of the project’s results will continue in the framework of the work conducted by the OUC terrestrial ecosystems management lab.