As part of the academic cooperation between the two countries, the Embassy of Israel in Cyprus is offering scholarships to Cypriot citizens to study in Israel for the academic year 2021-2022, as follows:
- 2 scholarships for summer language courses (Ulpan) in Hebrew or Arabic (1 month) during the summer (July and August)
- 1 Scholarship for Research/MA/PhD/PostDoc for one academic year (8 months starting October ending June)
The scholarship can be full, includind partial tuition fees (up to $ 6,000), monthly allowance for one academic year and basic health insurance, or partial, including a monthly allowance for one academic year and basic health insurance.
For language courses the scholarship includes full tuition fees, living expenses, accommodation, three weeks’ allowance and basic health insurance.
Basic Requirements:
- The applicant should hold a BA or BSc degree (or higher)
- The applicant must be under 35 years old (at the beginning of the academic year)
- The applicant for language courses must not have yet started or be in their final year of adegree
- The applicant should meet the academic requirements of the Israeli university to which he/she applies. A scholarship will be granted only after the relevant instituteapproves the candidate
Deadline for submission of applications: April 2, 2021 at [email protected]
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