The health ministry announced that six people had died of Covid-19 and that 193 people had tested positive from 32,091 PCR and rapid tests, a positivity rate of 0.6 per cent.

Seven positive cases were detected at a Nicosia care home from 43 tests.

The deaths concerned three women aged 75, 62 and 88, and three men aged 96, 85 and 76. They all died on Sunday. This brings total deaths in the past 18 months to 483 with an average age of 77.

There are 194 people in hospitals 76 of whom are in serious condition. Of these, 37 are intubated.

The ministry said that the percentage of unvaccinated patients was 82.99 per cent.

Of the 32,091 tests on Sunday, 6,384 were PCR and 25,707 were rapid tests, yielding 193 positives as follows:

  • 6 from 4,319 samples taken at airports
  • 18 from 1,894 samples taken through private initiative.
  • 7 from 152 samples processed at hospital labs
  • 76 from 11,796 samples tested at private labs and pharmacies.
  • 86 from 13,911 samples taken through the ministry’s free programme for certain groups.

From the free testing, 29 positives were in Nicosia, 23in Limassol, four in Larnaca, five in Paphos, four in the Famagusta area, and the seven at the care home.