No SafePass will be required at outdoor venues while the limit on the number of people at gatherings in homes is expected to be lifted by the end of the week, media reported on Tuesday.

The news came after a meeting between Health Minister Michalis Hadjipantelas and the scientific advisory committee on new relaxations ahead of the Easter Holidays as the epidemiological picture continues to improve.

According to CyBC, the SafePass requirement will be lifted for outdoor hospitality venues such as restaurants, cafés and bars as of Friday.

The restriction on the maximum number of people allowed at house gatherings is also expected to be lifted as of Good Friday.

Meanwhile, further relaxations are expected mid-May.

These include the abolition of SafePass in all areas excluding indoor spaces of restaurants, cafés, bars and nightclubs as well as nursing homes, hospitals and clinics.

The measure is expected to come into force from May 15 until September 1, CyBC reported.

Furthermore, from May 15, children under the age of 12 will no longer be required to wear a face mask while test to stay in schools will be suspended.

The maximum capacity in hospitality and recreation venues is also expected to be increased.

The proposals will be submitted for approval to cabinet on Wednesday.

Scientists were also expected to table their suggestions whether new adjustments should be implemented concerning the classification of business activities from high risk to medium risk and from medium risk to low risk.