The leadership in the north appears to be having second thoughts about opening more crossing points, it appeared on Wednesday, with the possibility of increasing movement through the Ledra Palace being reviewed.

According to Turkish Cypriot newspaper Kibris Postasi ‘Prime Minister’ Unal Oustel met Turkisjh Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar to discuss the issue of allowing vehicles to use the crossing.

The checkpoint can currently only be used by pedestrians and diplomatic vehicles, but the report said authorities in the north are now considering allowing other vehicles to use it too, which would take some pressure off Ayios Dometios where long queues form on a daily basis.

Oustel is reportedly also interested in opening a further crossing point to the east of Nicosia in the area of Mia Milia.

It has been a long-standing position of the Greek Cypriot side that any new crossing points should first operate in Athienou and Kokkina to life the isolation the inhabitants of these areas have suffered for decades.

The aim is, through the relevant technical committee, to solve as quickly as possible the problems recorded each day at the checkpoints in Nicosia, Larnaca and Famagusta.