The world of food and beverage has significantly evolved and has certainly had an impact on how we travel, our hotel vacation preferences, and how we perceive the locations with concern to the hotels.

Too often we are more enamored by the beauty of the area or resort, but what we need to be more aware of is the security aspect, and ensuring an enjoyable stay. The last thing anyone wants when vacationing on their dream holiday is to find their personal belongings missing, taken, or having to carry everything on them all day for fear of leaving it at the hotel.

Thankfully, Omnitec, the international provider of technology for the hospitality industry has understood this early on and has integrated top-quality systems and operations throughout the world. Now, you can make the most of your stay with the peace of mind your personal items are safe and secure.

The advancements

Hotel stays are more often than not about luxury and leisure, and part of that comes with knowing that your items are stored safely while you are out sightseeing. You could opt for a hotel that offers card keys to its guests, remote access code applications for each room, and even wireless Bluetooth proximity options, which is why Omnitec Systems are changing the way the hospitality sector is received by its guests and clients and operated.

Comfort is key when you are abroad or away from home and peace of mind is a big part of that. Long gone are the days when we were given a heavy key attached to a wooden dowel etched with a room number, we now have the sophistication of keyless access using cards or codes.

Guest satisfaction

Ensuring guests are happy when they enter and leave your hotel is how businesses continue to operate for years and build their brand name, a happy guest is a returning guest, and keeping up with the advances of technology is essential.

As humans, we are quick to complain, but on the flip side we can truly appreciate a job well done, and having seen and experienced the efficiency and efficacy of the modern hotel security options and improvements, guests are delighted. Let’s see why they and hotel managers and owners believe the new systems such as those designed by industry experts Omnitec, have become the future of safety and security for hotels.

  • Customizable – Having a card key that is programmable to specific and unique codes for each guest makes it a highly secure option for those staying on the property with a single card never having the same code twice.
  • Efficiency – Quick and easy access makes the task of coming and going to the hotel a breeze, no lost keys, children can use it just as easily, and the struggle of jiggling a key lock is eliminated.
  • No keys – The awkward shapes and sizes we have witnessed over the years have been replaced by professionally designed keyless locks, making them tamper-proof and bespoke to the hotel and room. And you only need a code, your phone, or a swipe card, simple and safe.
  • Cost-effective – No more need to continually cut new keys or replace locks on all the doors when a key has been lost, reprogramming the entry access panel makes it friendly on the budget and easy.
  • Convenient – When the cards are well-designed as Omnitec has proven the slim fit is the perfect size to pop in your wallet along with your others, so you have everything in one place as and when you need it.

The future is keyless

Change is inevitable across all industries and as travel has reopened around the world and people are becoming more comfortable venturing out we still want the peace of mind in knowing that when we land we are safe and comfortable. A great, top-level hotel with the latest in keyless locks and smartphone access is why holidaying is enjoyable again.

The future is stopping for no one and as a business owner, especially for hotel owners, you want the best experience for your guests. Staff have the efficiency of guest interaction when hunting for keys is taken out of the equation, multi-tasking is easier with check-in and guests leaving, and overall the technology has made life more efficient across all departments of the hotel.

Change is here

Take the time to enjoy your vacation again. Hotels have contactless check-in services where codes can be sent to your phone on arrival so no matter when you arrive you can drop your bags and unwind from the traveling. Life is good again.

Omnitec has shown the world that technology is here to stay, but has done so in a sleek and sophisticated manner with well-designed security options and improvements in the hospitality sector for managers and guests. Embrace the change and relax with the safety of knowing your trip is secure.