Shinrin-yoku is the ancient Japanese practice of forest bathing, by spending time and forming a deeper connection to nature as a way to connect back with the inner self. Though certainly not a new concept, it is still a novel practice for Cyprus yet several mindfulness and wellness teams have picked up on it in recent years and begun offering unique experiences. On November 25, The Conscious Collective will embark on a short forest bathing journey in the mountains of Limassol, practising the Japanese tradition alongside other rituals.

From 9am until about 1pm, a small group will trek around the Troodos mountains after a brief introduction to forest bathing. The event will include meditation, hiking, ceremonial cacao, awareness of the senses and breathwork and as well as ways to practice forest bathing even when not in the mountains.

“Repairing the relationship between humans and nature is a valuable part of our healing process,” says The Conscious Collective. “Studies have demonstrated a wide array of health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular and immune systems, and for stabilising and improving mood and cognition. We build on these by encompassing sacred shamanic practices to experience how we are a part of nature, not separate from it, deepening the relationship of reciprocity between us and all other beings.

“This guided experience,” they conclude, “opens the door to a new way of being in nature. Gentle direction and guided sensory activities give you what you are currently ready for. The experience becomes a re-learning, which you can take with you wherever you may be, from your garden to a favourite tree or nearby parks to take a sensory nature break in the midst of your day.”

Forest Bathing

Forest bathing and other rituals. November 25. Troodos mountains. 9am-1.30pm. €33 early bird, €40 normal ticket. Tel: 99-922794. Facebook event: Forest Bathing & other rituals