The agriculture census for 2020 was published on Tuesday which found that Cyprus has 323,522 pigs, 4.7 million poultry and that about 1,463 km² is agricultural area (the island is 9,251 km2).

It found that organic farming accounts for 4.1 per cent of the agricultural area and that the average age of the holders or managers of farming plots is 63 years old.

Other notable findings are that 65,533 holders and family members were employed (65 per cent male), with 5,993 permanently employed (85 per cent male) while seasonal workers accounted for 16,356 people (41 per cent male).

As for livestock, the study found that there are 311 cattle-breeding farms with 83,561 animals, along with 156 pig-breeding farms numbering 323,522 pigs. There are 327,882 sheep on 1,509 farms and 232,831 goats on 1,587 farms.

The largest area of the temporary crops outdoors is occupied by plants that are harvested green and intended mainly for animal feed or grazing, followed by the various types of cereals to produce grain.

Olive plantations account for the largest permanent outdoor crop area, followed by vineyards and citrus fruits.

Areas cultivated with outdoor temporary crops cover 75.9 per cent of the total utilised agricultural area, 22 per cent is covered by outdoor permanent crops, 1.7 per cent by permanent grasslands, 0.4 per cent is greenhouse areas and the remaining 0.1 per cent is covered by kitchen gardens.

It noted that 28.4 per cent of the total utilised agricultural area is irrigable while the actual irrigated area totals 19.8 per cent.

Of the total utilised agricultural area, 57.4 per cent is operated on a rental basis and 41.6 per cent is privately owned.

Out of the total of 34,046 holdings, 33,189 holdings (97.5 per cent) belong to natural persons (individual or shared ownership), 56 to the public or the government and 801 operate as companies, associations or in another form.

The agriculture census’ stated aim is to collect information to examine trends in the structure of agricultural and livestock holdings in order to provide the EU with the necessary information for designing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other related policies.