Four people arrested in relation to a case of attempted robbery against a 72-year-old woman were immediately referred for a trial at the Famagusta district court, police said on Wednesday.

The four suspects, a 46-year-old woman and three men aged 26, 25 and 24, were arrested on warrants issued following evidence against them during the investigations by Famagusta police.

The 26-year-old and 25-year-old were arrested last Friday and Saturday respectively and were remanded for four days by court orders, for the purpose of police examinations.

The other two suspects were located and arrested on Tuesday night.

The four suspects will face charges for entering a residence with the intent to commit a felony, attempted robbery, demanding property with intent to steal, assault causing actual bodily harm, and conspiracy to commit a felony.

According to the facts of the case, the incident took place around 7.30 on the evening of Monday, January 30.

The 72-year-old victim was at her residence in the Famagusta district when four unknown persons, three men and one woman, illegally entered her residence and assaulted her.

With violence and threats, they demanded that she give them money and gold.

After the 72-year-old woman refused, the perpetrators searched the residence without finding anything and then fled.