Police in Paralimni said the fire that destroyed the car of a 54-year-old resident at midnight on Tuesday was set maliciously.
Speaking to the Cyprus News Agency on Wednesday, Paralimni police spokesperson said experts from the Fire Service examined the remains of the car and gathered evidence pointing to a malicious act.
“After carrying out tests, it emerged that the incident seems to have been caused by flammable material placed in the man’s car on purpose,” he said.
“Experts are still collecting evidence, but we have strong suspicions that the incident was man-made.”
Theodoulou added that the owner of the car was also interrogated and provided extensive evidence regarding the case.
His vehicle was completely destroyed by the fire, which also heavily damaged two other nearby vehicles, an electricity box and four A/C compressors belonging to an apartment building close to where the 54-year-old’s car was parked.
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