A group of children animated the characters of Batman, Minnie Mouse, Frozen, Spiderman, and various other beloved children’s heroes, transforming a section of the parking area at Larnaca airport on Saturday morning operator Hermes announced.

Hermes said 30 children from various schools took part in the event.


Photo: Hermes Airports

The company said that all the proceeds generated from reservations made at the specific parking spots that would be collected over the next two weeks, would be directed towards supporting the Alkinoos Artemiou Foundation.

The foundation was established in 2021 in memory of Alkinoos Artemiou, an 8-year-old who bravely battled cancer. The foundation is dedicated to providing assistance to families and children suffering from oncological and haematological conditions.

“Over the past fifteen years, we have consistently implemented coordinated initiatives to support the community, in line with our sustainability and social responsibility strategy,” Senior Manager of Communication at Hermes Airports Maria Kouroupi stated.

“An exemplary initiative is the hosting of superhero figures at the short-term parking area of Larnaca airport,” she added.

“Through our ‘Be my hero’ initiative, we are proud to support the Alkinoos Artemiou Foundation, an organisation dedicated to assisting and bringing relief to families and children with oncological and haematological diseases,” Kouroupi concluded.