A Limassol primary school learned to implement gratitude and mindfulness in education during its participation in an Erasmus+ seminar.

The Kontovathia primary school recently participated in the seminar Happy Schools. The seminar was attended by teacher Chrysanthi Demosthenous as well as primary and secondary school teachers from France, Greece, Lithuania and Germany.

The main theory that was the subject of the seminar was the Prosperity Theory (PERMA model).

According to the Prosperity Theory and Martin Seligman, the secret to finding happiness in our lives is not the absence of misery but the presence of five basic elements. Selignman’s studies have shown that these five basic elements give life balance, joy and meaning. They lead us to prosperity and flourishing.

These are positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and achievement.

In the seminar, teachers had the opportunity to learn about the practical application of the PERMA model.

Among the applications was the Gratitude Jar where you write on a piece of paper something you feel grateful for and put it in the jar or a container. There was also the ” I LIKE, I THANK” game where players throw a ball of wool to each other each saying what they are thankful for and one thing they like.

Mindfulness and photography is an activity that begins in the classroom. Students try to recall and describe something they see every day that they like and have to describe it in great detail. Then they go out of the classroom with a makeshift ‘camera’ using a piece of cardboard cut into a square shape like a frame and capture moments or things they appreciated in their daily life.

Focusing on the PERMA model, Promoting Teachers Well-being through Positive Behaviour Support in Early Childhood Education (ProW) European project started last year with theoretical training in Portugal, Romania, Greece, and Cyprus.

ERASMUS+ is a European Commission programme for education, training, youth and sport aiming to support the educational, professional and personal development of participating individuals through lifelong learning.