The Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) this week released a statement welcoming the decisions taken at the 80th meeting of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC80) regarding the revised Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy for ships, aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by around 2050.

“The targets set by the strategy are ambitious, and the real challenge now begins,” stated the CSC in the statement.

The statement added that the development of measures to guide the industry in achieving both the 2030 targets, the intermediate target for 2040, and overall carbon neutrality by 2050 “requires hard work and contributions from experts to ensure that the measures achieve their goals while remaining realistic and feasible, allowing the shipping industry to serve the global economy and global progress”.

The CSC participated in the MEPC80 session with Alexandros Iosifides, as part of the mission of the Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping.