Payment of taxes and fees to the Larnaca municipality has been extended until January 31, 2024 and can be made only at the citizen service centre, the municipality announced on Thursday.

In its announcement, the municipality details that the deadline for payments, including rubbish removal fees, professional taxes, licensing fees for premises, property and real estate taxes, and cemetery fees, has been extended to Wednesday, January 31 without application of late charges. Payment of taxes between January 1 and January 31, 2024 can only be made at the citizen service centre.

It is added that any payments made from February 1 onwards, will be fined as late with a 10 per cent added charge on the amount due.

Taxes relating to 2022 and previous years are also to be paid only at the citizen service centre.

It is noted that on Tuesday, January 2, the citizen service centre will be open until 11am.