Cabinet on Thursday approved the ‘photovoltaics for all’ scheme which will open for the public to apply for at the end of February.
The scheme entails five categories aimed at making solar energy and roof insulation accessible to all homes.
Installers of photovoltaics and roof insulation are expected to begin registration in the coming days, paving the way to allow the public to submit applications, most likely by the end of February.
The category schemes are:
Category A1: Photovoltaics – General. A grant of €375 per kW and a maximum grant of €1,500 (4kW) – 50 per cent increase for mountainous areas,
Category A2: Photovoltaics – Vulnerable Households. A grant of €1,250 per kW and a maximum grant of €6,250 (5kW),
Category A3: Photovoltaic for All. A grant of €250 per kW and a maximum grant amount of €1,000 (4kW) and an additional investment repayment of €1,000 per kW with a maximum “repayment amount” of €4,000
Category B1: Ceiling insulation – General Category with a 50 per cent grant and a maximum grant of €2,500 and/or €25.00 per m2 – 50 per cent increase for mountainous areas,
Category B2: Ceiling Insulation – Vulnerable Households with a 75 per cent grant and a maximum grant of €3,750 or €37.50 per m2.
Compared to the 2022 – 2023 grant scheme, the following significant changes have been made in the new scheme:
– Creation of the new Category A3: Photovoltaics For All with the possibility of installing a photovoltaic system by citizens who do not have the initial capital.
– Creation of a new special Category B2: Roof Insulation for Vulnerable Households with increased sponsorship.
– Provision for a one-off bonus of €750 if both types of investment (PV and roof insulation) are implemented in the same house.
– Modification of the implementation and application procedure (applications will be processed electronically), to reduce bureaucracy for applicants and speed up the time of payment of the grant.
– The installations will be carried out by installer registered in the list of “Participating Traders”. This will facilitate the applicants in submitting the application and at the same time provide them with a seven-year commercial guarantee, which will enhance the viability of the investment.
– All potential beneficiaries will receive pre-approval prior to the implementation of the investment, a procedure that ensures for the applicant the possibility of receiving a grant and for the promoter a greater possibility of control, while significantly speeding up the time of payment of the grant.
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