Police on Saturday refuted claims of abuse against Bangladeshi nationals, after growing criticism on the way it carried out the raid in Limassol, that led to the death of Anisur Rahman.

A text message said to be from one of the 11 Bangladeshi nationals who were living in the fifth-floor apartment of a dangerous building in Limassol’s city centre, was read outside of Limassol CID offices during a protest.

It claims officers abused and attacked the Bangladeshi nationals during the raid.

“We were all sleeping when some strangers came to our flat and broke the door and entered. Then some of us woke up.

“When we heard the sound of a breaking the door, we were very scared. They said they were from immigration police but we couldn’t identify them because they were in civilian clothes.”

The text message continues saying the officers entered the room and attacked them. “They raised their hands on John and abused us in their language.

“They first entered one bedroom and arrested three people. Then the second bedroom was locked, they again broke the door and tried to enter.”437944640 774948428061211 5509962707521608067 n

“What was our crime? Why did they treat us like this? And why did we have to lose one brother’s life?

“We came to their country and did not fight or do anything bad.”

The testimony is diametrically opposed to the version police has been reiterating since Wednesday when Rahman died.

Police has stressed two officers knocked on the door and received consent before stepping in to the apartment.

Rahman, 23, jumped out of the fifth-floor apartment window to his death. Another man, aged 22, jumped out of the balcony to escape. He is in serious condition in hospital.

Criticism began emerging on Friday, amid allegations that numerous officers barged in and broke down the door. A complaint has been filed to the independent authority investigating police officers.

On Saturday night, the force issued a statement saying that none of the police statements made by any of the Bangladeshi nationals “make any claims about violating any apartment entrance or allegations of violence.”

It reiterated that “to begin with” only two officers went to the raid.

The veracity of the police statements made by any of the Bangladeshi nationals have already been called into questions amid allegations the men have had no access to a lawyer.

Speaking to the Cyprus Mail a day earlier, lawyer Michalis Paraskevas said every person – whether they are living in Cyprus legally or illegally – has a right to a lawyer.

Police did not address any of these allegations in its statement. It has said all of the detained men were living in Cyprus illegally.

No updates were given over the landlord who reportedly rented out the apartment for €2,000.

bangladesh man, bangladeshi, limassol, illegal immigrant

The apartment building was listed as dangerous was was rented out to 11 people

“Any person who has any different testimony regarding the specific incident, to contact immediately the CID Headquarters on the phone number 22-808094 or the Citizen’s Line, on the phone number 1460.”