Bicycle-mounted police in Limassol on Wednesday arrested a 38-year-old man in Limassol after he was found to be in possession of a counterfeit identity card and a knife.

Police said the man had been seen “moving suspiciously” on a street in Limassol at around 5pm.

They carried out a check on him, during which he produced an identity card with a photo which bore no resemblance to him.

In addition, they found on his person a 19.5 centimetres long knife with an 8.5cm blade.

When he was informed that he was under arrest, he attempted to flee, pushing a police officer while resisting arrest, before eventually being detained.

Police then searched his home, finding tools which could be used to carry out a burglary as well as a number of items for which he could not give a satisfactory explanation.

He was then interrogated and reportedly admitted to the offences and gave his real name. It was then reportedly established that he has been living in Cyprus illegally since 2021.

The police’s investigation into the matter is ongoing.