In a significant move to support the extensive professional community of Cypriots in Greece and to further foster synergies between Cypriot and Greek professionals, the Embassy of Cyprus in Athens has spearheaded the establishment of the Association of Cypriot Professionals in Greece.

This initiative saw the attendance of numerous Cypriot entrepreneurs operating in Greece, highlighting the substantial interest in the formation of the association.

The initiative enjoys the backing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency, commonly known as Invest Cyprus, and the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve).

According to statements made this week, the association aims to forge a robust network among the many Cypriots working in Greece—a network that has been notably absent until now. This organisation is expected to advocate for their collective interests and facilitate collaborations between Cypriot and Greek entrepreneurs.

Cyprus’ Ambassador to Greece, Stavros Avgoustidis, commented on the initiative, describing it as a practical recognition of the significant contributions and presence of Cypriot professionals in the Greek economic and business spheres.

He emphasised that the association seeks to provide tangible support to the Cypriot business community in Greece.

Additionally, Ambassador Avgoustidis outlined the vision of the association to become a central hub for the professional excellence of Cypriots in Greece. The organisation aspires to foster cooperation across various sectors and create a platform for discussion and the exchange of views on issues of mutual interest.

Furthermore, it aims to function as a think tank to explore, investigate, and propose solutions to challenges, as well as to suggest ways to better promote Cyprus’ economic and other interests in Greece.

What is more, the association explained that it will be inclusive, serving all Cypriot entrepreneurs in Greece, whether they are employees or business owners of any scale.

The forthcoming steps involve forming a Steering Committee to finalise the association’s statutes, followed by the establishment of a board of directors, with the Ambassador of Cyprus to Greece participating as an observer.

In a conversation with the Secretary-general of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Keve), Marios Tsiakkis, it was noted that the need for such an association had recently become apparent, due to the absence of a cohesive network for the professional community in Greece.

Tsiakkis emphasised that the association’s objectives include, but are not limited to, enhancing business trade between Cyprus and Greece, boosting exports of Cypriot products, and generally fostering stronger trade relations between the two nations.

He also mentioned that collaboration with the Cyprus-based Cyprus-Greece Business Association is also something that is on the agenda.

Following the establishment of the board of directors, networking events will be organised to further promote the association’s mission and activities.

The creation of the Association of Cypriot Professionals in Greece represents a strategic effort to strengthen ties between Cypriot and Greek professionals, aiming to boost the economic landscape of both countries.