SARA DOUEDARI talks fashion with football’s Steeve Yago, a defender from Aris Limassol

Well-known for his defensive skills at Aris Limassol, Steeve Yago is now gaining recognition beyond the pitch. The French-born player has recently been spotlighted for his fashionable appearances around Limassol.

Balancing his athletic career with his growing status as a fashion figure, Yago shows a unique cosmopolitan flair to his style. His journey from the multicultural streets of Paris to the sunny coasts of Cyprus, to which he moved with his wife and kids, has shaped him into a versatile individual. Experiencing such a friendly and welcoming environment in Cyprus, Yago now calls it home.

Having moved from France to Cyprus for your football career, how has living in Cyprus influenced both your personal and professional life?

“The population in Cyprus is markedly different from that of France. In France, we experience a multicultural environment, but it often feels more segmented. In Cyprus, I am fortunate to encounter people from diverse origins and backgrounds, and I learn something new every day.

“Living in Cyprus has broadened my perspective, helping me appreciate different ways of life. Professionally, it’s been a fantastic experience. The football culture here is passionate, and it has helped me grow as a player. Personally, the slower pace of life in Cyprus has allowed me to focus on my interests outside of football, like fashion.”

Football is often described as ‘the beautiful game’. What artistic elements do you see in it?

“For me, art emerges from various sources. Americans excel in the ‘Showtime’ style, which encompasses unique haircuts, attitudes and body language.

“On a simpler note, the style of play in football, whether it’s technical or tactical, also has its own artistic elements. The way a player dribbles, the strategy behind a well-executed play, even the choreography of team movements on the pitch – all of these can be seen as forms of art.

“There’s a certain beauty in the precision and creativity that football requires, much like in any artistic endeavour.”

Tell us more about your participation in the fashion editorial at The Icon. What parallels do you see between the worlds of sports and fashion?

“Football players’ fame often aligns them with media attention, which is crucial for brands. This prominence provides an opportunity to reach a broader audience. We, the players, generally appreciate luxury items and dressing well. It’s a win-win situation.

“Participating in The Icon’s recent editorial was a thrilling experience. I see many parallels between sports and fashion. Both fields are about expression, identity, and influence.

“Just as athletes inspire through their performance and sportsmanship, fashion influences through style and innovation. Both require a blend of discipline, creativity, and a strong personal brand.”

Fashion is a way to show your personality. How do you mix your own style?

“My perspective is perhaps influenced by my upbringing in Paris during the 90s, a time rich with great movie classics and hip-hop culture. I enjoy a variety of things, and these experiences have greatly inspired me. I like to mix classic pieces with contemporary trends, always adding a personal touch.

“Whether it’s through a unique accessory or a particular colour scheme, I aim to create a look that reflects who I am. Growing up in such a vibrant cultural environment, I’ve learned to appreciate the importance of individuality and self-expression, which I bring into my fashion choices.”

As Steeve Yago continues to score both on and off the field, his story reminds us of the rich, interconnected world of sports and fashion. It’s a world where discipline meets creativity, and where every individual has the opportunity to express their unique identity. Living in Cyprus, with its vibrant culture and welcoming community, has clearly influenced Yago’s style.