Half of drowning deaths in Cyprus involve tourists and non-permanent residents, data revealed on Wednesday as government announced action plan to improve sea safety.

Over the past 20 years, 464 people have lost their lives due to drowning in Cyprus, with an average of 26 deaths per year over the last five years.

Notably, about half of all the drowning victims in the country are tourists and non-permanent residents, while the same percentage, 50 percent, are aged 65 and older.

But the concern extends to children and young adults as well. Drowning is the third most common cause of death in children under ten years of age and remains one of the top five causes of death for individuals up to 30 years old.

The Undersecretary to the President, Irene Piki, presented the action plan aimed at improving sea safety and preventing drowning incidents. The plan was created following collaboration with Safe Water Sports NGO.

“Everyone’s effort is worth it, even if it is to save a single child, an elderly person, a life from unjust loss,” Piki said.

The initiative includes the establishment of an observatory to monitor accidents at sea and the island’s inclusion in the Safe Water Sports website. This platform will inform the public about safe beaches for water sports, lifeguard coverage, accessibility for people with disabilities, and nearby facilities, including hospitals.

Furthermore, the Port Police Information System, whose operation started this February, will also play a key role by providing data to the platform. At this stage, information on various aspects such as beach size, beach organisation, lifeguard tower staffing, accessibility for people with disabilities, water sports rental companies, and nearby hospitals has been entered.

In addition, there will be a safe swimming programme to develop swimming skills for children up to 12 years old, and an educational programme for water safety. These two programmes which are already running on a pilot basis by the education ministry.

The action plan also focuses on modernising legislation related to swimming pool regulations, diving, and sea navigation.