A collective labour agreement covering almost 3,000 food delivery drivers was signed by trade unions and employers on Thursday.

Trade union Sek described the agreement as “historic”, adding that it is “the first time that workers in this sector, where once workers had absolutely no rights, have had their rights secured.”

Per the agreement, food delivery drivers will work 40 hours per week over six days and will receive a cost-of-living allowance indexed at 11.17 per cent of their salaries.

In addition, as of January 1 next year, employers will now be required to provide drivers with a helmet, a jacket, a jersey, a transport box for the food, and a mounting base for the box, while the use of drivers’ vehicles will also be regulated.

Sek representative Charalambos Avgousti described the development as “very positive”, saying the agreement will be “beneficial for workers, employers, and the state”, and that unfair competition and illegal work will also be limited as a result.