A two-day event invites Cypriot and international youth to join forces this September. The EU Scholarship Programme for Cypriot Youth at United World Colleges will host the United for Peace EU-UWC youth leadership forum in Nicosia, on September 20 and 21 and registrations are now open.

The forum aims to foster peace and leadership in young people, primarily aged 14-18, from Cyprus and abroad and amplify their voice as advocates for a more peaceful and sustainable world. The one-of-a-kind event will bring together 200 attendees, including Cypriot and international UWC students, staff and alumni, as well as Cypriot high school students, educators, civil society partners and other stakeholders.

The two-day forum, mirroring the United World Colleges educational model, will showcase, interrogate and provide lived experiences that directly relate to the role of the youth, education, and the European Union in peacebuilding and changemaking.

Aligning with UWC’s mission of making education a unifying force for peace and a sustainable future, the forum will act as a space for young individuals to actively develop their leadership skills, while deepening their understanding of the importance and complexities of building a peaceful future. During the event, youth will join a rich programme featuring keynote talks, interactive workshops, youth-led sessions and engaging discussion panels.

Following the success of the EU Scholarship Programme for Cypriot Youth at UWC, which is funded by the European Union and implemented by UWC, the youth-centric forum will bring further international perspectives to Cyprus, allowing participants to make connections with those from other cultures and countries. The EU–UWC partnership started in 2019 and has now reached more than 1,000 Cypriot young people and engaged them in an intercommunal setting as a confidence building measure between Cypriot communities.

United for Peace EU-UWC Youth Leadership Forum

Two-day event for youth aged 14-18. September 20-21. Chateau Status, Ledra Palace Hotel and Home for Cooperation, Nicosia. Registrations and more information at www.united4peace.eu