February will be an exciting month for Cyprus’ photography lovers, particularly in Limassol, as two new exhibitions open. Life stories, untold narratives and corners of the world will be displayed as seen through the lens of selected artists. In just a couple of weeks, Limassol’s art scene will be filled with images that highlight the art of photography.

Hosted at the Limassol Municipal Arts Centre – Papadakis Warehouses on February 15 is this one-day exhibition Okusiima. In a Ugandan local dialect, it means ‘grateful’ and it is the title of an exhibition that presents the works of two artists. Supported by Wheeling2help, each exhibited photograph acts as a window into a world where gratitude, connection and community thrive.

The photographs of the two artists seek to tell stories of resilience, inspiration and hope as well as raise money for a good cause. All funds raised from the exhibition will support the scholarship programme at Bufuka Primary School, giving children in Uganda the opportunity to continue their education and dream of a brighter future. The exhibition will be open for just one day, from 6pm to 9pm.

Lumiere Contemporary Art Gallery will also host a photography exhibition next month, presenting the work of Stelios Paphitis, a celebrated photographer with over 40 years of experience in the field of visual arts. A driving force in the evolution of Cyprus’ photography scene, Paphitis is the co-founder and current president of the Lakatamia Photographic Club, the vice president of the Cyprus Photographic Society and led the TEY-ATHK Photographic Club for years.

Now, he is getting ready to present his exhibition On the Move, opening at Lumiere on February 5 touching on philosophical and visual narratives, pushing the boundaries on how light, energy and existence are perceived.


Charity photography exhibition to raise funds for Bufuka Primary School in Uganda. February 15. Limassol Municipal Arts Centre – Papadakis Warehouses, Limassol. 6pm-9pm

On the Move

Photography exhibition by Stelios Paphitis. February 5-15. Lumiere Contemporary Art Gallery, Limassol. opening night: 6.30pm. Wednesday-Friday: 3.30pm-6.30pm. Saturday: 11am-1pm. www.lumiereartgallery.com. Tel: 25-344141