Businesses that refuse to accept card payments can be fined up to €4,000, the tax department said on Wednesday.
In its statement, the department refers to the relevant article of the ...
Xenia Kalogirou and Ioannis Sidiropoulos consider how Cyprus is faring amid the accelerated pace of e-commerce development across the globe
Fintech is not just a term referring to revolutionary but ...
The Employers and Industrialists Federation (OEV) on Monday alerted its members that starting next month the tax department will start checking if businesses have made available to customers the option ...
Although a positive move, making card payments a compulsory transaction option might create a number of issues for smaller shop owners, their union Povek said on Monday.
As of Sunday, ...
The House commerce committee on Tuesday discussed credit card charges ahead of a new decree mandating all businesses accept card payments, which is due to come into effect this coming ...