COVID-19 has caused quite a bit of trauma for almost everyone on this planet. Beyond that, if a family member tests positive in your home, it can be even more risky and stressful. It not only becomes a concern for you but also for the person suffering from the disease. One of the foremost things you need to practice is cleaning frequently touched areas with antibacterial alcohol wipes.

You will have to take care of your family member without you falling sick. So, to help you cope with such a situation, we have listed below a few ways to protect yourself when someone in your family is infected.

Let us take a look at them.

  • Getting A Test Done

The first thing you need to do as soon as you know about someone in your family testing positive is getting a COVID-19 PCR test done. It may not be detected on the first attempt if the viral load is below detection levels. You will have to take another test after at least 5-7 days. Quarantining yourself for 14 days is the best option to undertake during this time.

  • Limiting Contact

It will be best to limit contact with the patient as much as possible. You have to ensure to keep the COVID positive family member as further as possible. He/she should be provided a separate bathroom and bedroom if space allows. You can bring food and necessary items to the affected per sone, but it is essential that you maintain distance.

Keeping Windows Open

When there is a COVID-positive person in your house, you have to ensure proper and enhanced ventilation in the area. Enclosed spaces provide the virus with ample ground to infect others living in the same place. Doing so will prevent the virus from lurking in the air in small droplets.

  • Wearing A Mask

Having a patient in your house makes wearing a mask necessary indoors. Both you and the family member with the virus should put on a mask or a face covering at all times. These face coverings can help in containing the virus and stop it from spreading further. In other words, it will reduce your chances of contracting the disease.

  • Washing Hands And Disinfecting Frequently Used Areas

You must wash your hands with antiseptic wash for at least 20 seconds. Using a hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol can help prevent you from becoming infected. You have to keep in mind not to touch your mouth, nose, and eyes without washing your hands first. Simultaneously, it is vital that you disinfect spaces frequently used with either disinfectant wipes or liquid.


Following the steps mentioned above will help you remain protected from the coronavirus if someone tests positive in your house. Keeping yourself safe is equally crucial for you and the people living around you. Doing so will help you contain the virus to the extent that is possible for you.