The public is being called to carry a trash bag and pick-up trash from the streets during their outings in an innovative campaign launched by the ecological movement.

Following reports concerning fly-tipping in different areas across the island, the movement decided to take action and launched a campaign to help clean up nature and local neighbourhoods.

With the slogan ‘since you saw it, pick it up’ in the Cypriot dialect, the movement urged people to collect any garbage they find in the streets during their walks or weekend excursions to “protect what we love and help improve the mindset of others”.

Participants of the campaign can upload photos of the areas they happen to clean-up and post them on social media using the hashtags #helpnature #saveyourhood and tag the organisers.

An interactive map including all the locations that have been cleaned up will be created at the end of the campaign.

The initiative was announced on Friday in collaboration with the Research and Education in Social Empowerment and Transformation (RESET) service and the support of the group Save Your Hood Cyprus.