People must continue to be careful despite the improving epidemiological picture, head of the government’ advisory team Constantinos Tsiooutis reiterated on Sunday.

Speaking to CyBC television, Tsioutis said the pandemic is not over yet, nor is it known when it will be.

The relaxations to measures, he added, are the result of a collective effort which cannot be sacrificed on the alter of carelessness.

He called one more time on everyone to avoid unnecessary contacts and crowded places while he said the use of masks in outside spaces could perhaps be lifted.

The period after June 10 when further relaxations of measures will be introduced will be very dangerous, he said.

Referring to the Indian variant, Tsioutis said this was already present in the community and is one of the reasons we should be careful and respect all measures.

Speaking on the same show, acting director of the state pharmaceutical services Elena Panayiotopoulou said the issue of vaccinating children in Cyprus has not been discussed.

She said that although the European Medicines Agency has approved the use of the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 this is to protect those with underlying health conditions.

She said there have been problems in some EU states with the idea of vaccinating children because of the small number of medical trials.

Each state must decide for itself, she said, adding that children are currently vaccinated only in Sweden and some US states.