Ten semi-government organisations, including Cyta and the Electricity Authority, have new board members after cabinet approved their appointment on Thursday.

The names, and the new board members of five other organisations, were announced by government spokesman Marios Pelekanos on Friday.

The EAC will be headed by Despina Theodosiou, executive director of a group of companies and president of Wista International.

Cyta’s new president is lawyer Michalis Ioannides, while businessman Andreas Michaelides remains president of the Cyprus Sports Organisation.

Lawyer Antonis Stylianou was appointed president of the Cyprus Ports Authority, while CyBC’s board will be chaired by, Michalis Michail, also a lawyer.

The Cyprus Land Development Organisation and the licensing authority will both be chaired by lawyers — Elena Koushiou Hadjdemetriou and Christos Karas respectively.

Antigone Papaphilippou, PR consultant, remains president of the board of the Cyprus Theatre Organisation (Thoc), the town planning council will be chaired by architect Charilaos Kythreotis and the council for the registration of contractors by Xenia Kleopa, first executive engineer at the public works department.

Businessman Frixos Savvides was appointed president of the Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) and auditor Andreas Christofides of the University of Cyprus. Eleni Mouzala, founding member of the Academy of Letters and Arts of Cyprus, a pianist and university professor was named president of the board of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra.

Finally, auditor Demetris Tsingis was named president of the House Finance Organisation, senior bank employee Efthymia Agathocleous of the Cyprus Forestry Industries and Vasiliki Kammitsi, lawyer and bank director of the licensing review authority.