Online appointments for a booster dose will be able to be arranged five months after the latest anti-coronavirus jab as of Sunday, the health ministry announced on Monday.
Following a relevant cabinet decision last week, the ministry upgraded the software of the portal so that people will be able to book their booster dose online after a period of five months since the completion of the vaccination scheme instead of five and half.
Appointments can be arranged as of 11pm on Sunday.
The ministry also announced that the Janssen booster dose can be arranged two months after people received single-dose jab.
Furthermore, people can now book an mRNA booster jab appointment with a different vaccine than the one they initially received in the case of Pfizer, Moderna of Janssen.
If a person cannot not show up to a vaccination appointment, the appointment will be automatically cancelled and can be rearranged for a new date, the ministry said.
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