The Test-to-Stay measure went into effect on Monday morning at kindergartens, pre-primary and special schools.
The decision was taken by the council of ministers last week as part of a series of measures to curb the coronavirus.
The ministry of health announced that children who are close contacts of a confirmed positive case within the school premises can take a rapid test at predetermined locations on the third, fifth and seventh day after contact.
On the remaining days parents should conduct a self-test on their children. Following the measure is optional, otherwise children may isolate at home.
For special schools, which employ nursing staff, the test will be conducted at the school upon arrival of the children.
Children who have been declared as close contacts cannot use school buses, regardless of test result.
The measure has retroactive effect, meaning that children who are in isolation from Monday as close contacts will have the option to use the Test-to-Stay measure.
Children not taking up the measure can be released after seven days at home with the presentation of a negative rapid test.
Parents are able to obtain free self-testing kits from the school track and trace unit.
Also as of Monday, the ban on school trips is lifted.
The ban on external overnight stay of nursing home residents is also lifted. Upon return to the nursing home residents must present a same-day negative rapid test.
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